The last couple of days we thought that Mini Mint was teething. He kept crying and putting his hand in his mouth. We tried to keep him calm and finally gave him some Calpol on Tuesday afternoon.
However, he became inconsolable, crying and crying and hitching for breath - for five hours, before I finalla decided to take him to the doctors.
She examined him and then called an ambulance, believing he had severe croup.
Gave him some steroids in the ambulance.
Got to the hospital, more examinations and medication - they were going to give him antibiotics introvenously (sp?), but eventually after Mr. ENT took a look at him, decided that he could have oral antibiotics.
It's not croup - he has a cluster of ulcers on his tonsils, that have become infected.
So - antibiotics, aneasthetic spray, two different types of painkiller, and they let us take him home, with all of the above to be administered at regular intervals.
Poor little puppy.
Next time (please god there isn't a next time) he cries like that, I'm taking him straight to the doctor. He's not a 'crying' baby. He's usually so placid, he's never ever cried through the teething of his 12 teeth.
He's a little soldier.