Anal? Moi? ... |
I've been mooching around in Baby Hands' room today - tidying up, checking the clothes etc.
And, I thought I would regale you all with photos of my anal retentivess.
My bags - all nicely packed. Don't be fooled, I haven't packed TONS of stuff. There's a very small overnight bag, for MY stuff... nighties, towels etc. A tote bag for the delivery suite - DARK coloured nighty, wet wipes, sterile wipes etc... and also a blanket and some clothes for the bambino. And a change bag, with some nappies, socks etc for the baby.

The baby's bookshelf - with books (of course), magazines (for me when feeding), toys, baby monitor and photo of daddy. Along with plates, bowls and spoons - I'm nothing if not well prepared.

Nappies - and plenty of 'em. I've been reminded by lots of people that newborns get through about 10 nappies a day... so I should have enough for about 2 weeks here.

And - Baby Hands' wardrobe... with bedding (including quilts for when he's older), and his larger clothes - from 3 months to 12 months, mostly donated by my friend Kate, but some bought in the sales too.

There is also a chest of drawers - with more clothes in, mostly newborn stuff that I have bought, and more bedding, as donated by Dave's friend Naeem.
Somehow, just popping my head into this room, and seeing that everything is in it's 'right place' makes me feel a little bit calmer.
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