Update... |
... sorry I haven't been around much Kitty-Kats, I'm sure you've all been pining for my company. :o)
I've not had much access to the 'puter, due to Dave having to complete and submit his dissertation. Which he has finally done. Yay! Just three more months of studying, and he'll hopefully have his degree. He's also got to complete three more assignments and a ruck of exams (which are due at the same time as the bambion - eek!)
So - unfortunately I haven't been 'upto' anything too exciting - though I have had a night out (GASP!!), and we've had a couple of days away in the lakes with Dave's parents.
Heather, reminded me to tell you all that when she made my birthday cake - she actually made TWO cakes... one WITH nuts, and one without, just in case I wasn't 'doing' nuts, while pregnant.
Dave handed in his dissertation, after the printer took over five hours to print two copies!! It was a very close call.
Went upto Ulpha in the Lake District, to spend a couple of nights with Dave's parents, in the cottage they had rented. The weather was pretty pants, switching betweend very misty and blowing a gale/raining. But - there was a HUGE open fire, which made things seem much better. I had two lovely lie-ins, while every one else walked the dogs. I was a happy bunny.
As for the bambino - he's felt SO strong the last week or so - some of this kicks have almost taken my breath away. I'm six months along at the moment, and you can see my tummy moving while he's throwing his shapes. Very disconcerting. But I'm still loving it all.
Actually - that's not true. After losing 21 pounds in the first couple of months (which, frankly I NEEDED to lose...) I've just found out this morning that I've put on nearly seven pounds in a week. Eep! MUST EAT MORE FRUIT.
Some photos from the lakes:

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