Gutted!... |
Ok... this is where you get another glimpse into my twisted little mind.
Every morning and afternoon when I walk the dogs in my local park, I have been checking on a song thrush who has built a nest REALLY low down in a tree - the nest actually overhangs a path, and given that I've seen kids throwing stuff at the ducks next to the path I've been quite worried about her.
So, I've checked twice a day for the past four or five weeks, and she's always looked up over the top of the nest, as I've stood about 6 feet away from her, each time I've seen her head I've walked away. Happy that she's still there.
We've stayed in Dave's mum and dad's for the last week and I haven't been going to MY park, but to one nearer to their house. This morning was the first time I had a chance to go, and I was excited and worried about seeing the thrush (yeah, I know - terribly, terribly sad.)
I could see from the car park that I was going to be disappointed, the park wardens have been in and coppiced all the trees - all of the lower branches... gone.
I nearly cried. I feel like Tony Soprano when the ducks left.
Absolutely, gutted.

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