The Weekend.
We've had quite a productive weekend - we bought some from luverly stuff for the garden, from Willow Pool. Well, a tree, (a vivid acer), some bedding plants and a luverly gothicky style cherub to hide under the shrubs. He looks scareycute.
We did some potting on, deadheading and a TINY bit of weeding in the front drive.
On Saturday night we went for a meal with Dave's family. It was Paul and Paula's anniversary. And we had a very pleasant night. Maria couldn't drink because she was on anti-biotics and Dave couldn't drink cause he had to be up at 05:00 for work, so we decided to volunteer as designated drivers. Dave took his parents and his brother and Maria took Paula so they could have a good girly natter.
The meal was nice - Maria had a greek salad for a starter, and pork fillet wrapped in parma ham, while Dave had tiger prawns, chorizo and squid for a starter, and swordfish for his main course (if you're interested).
As we left the restaurant - Dave said he would drive everyone back home, and meet Maria at Casa Hands. Given that Maria didn't have any house keys, she decided to take the scenic route home, looked at some of the houses up on Millionaires Row, trying to get some ideas for the garden (though it's a bit moot at 23:30, when you can barely see a thing!)

By the time Maria got to Casa Hands, Dave's car was already parked outside the house, but - oddly his dad was standing in the middle of the drive.
Apparently they'd JUST got to his parents house, when mum realised that she'd left her bag at the restaurant - with the keys. Dave didn't want Maria to have to wait for him to get home, so given that there were no valuables in the bag, he decided to drive to Casa Hands and get HIS keys to his parents house.
Just as they pulled up outside Casa Hands, Paula realised that she was sitting on mum's bag.
So, Dave decided to wait for Maria - though he was a leetle bit worried that she wasn't already home. It's probably not really 'normal' behaviour to go driving round Hands Ville at 23.30, 'looking at houses'.
Sunday is Maria's 'pottering day. She tidies the house, mops the floors down, strips the beds etc. Usually does a bit of ironing. Yesterday she decided to FINALLY get the study into some kind of proper working order, and was rolling around on the floor under the table for 90 minutes, unhooking everything from the 'puter, so that she could 'start again'. When she was finished, and stood up, she looked like a yeti. Covered in dust, dog hairs and dust bunnies.
We're going to have to seal the study up tonight, as Dave is going to start knocking walls down in the bathroom and we don't want brick dust clogging up the fans etc. on the 'puter.
As of tomorrow we will be staying at Dave's mum and dad's (while they're on holiday) - and will hopefully have a working (though not 'finished') bathroom by the end of the week.
So - that was our EXCITING weekend. How did y'all do? Any news? Any gossip?
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